
R 4880 Use of District Property

The following procedures may be implemented when an employee violates the Employee Technology User Agreement.

First Offense:  Verbal warning.  The building administrator and/or technology director will clearly state the infraction and show employees how to prevent the infraction from occurring again.

Second Offense:  Written report given to building administrator from the technology director; conference with building administrator and technology director; notes on conference filed in personnel file.  Possible job target given by building administrator.  Tenure teachers will be given 45 days for remediation and non-tenure teachers will be given a 90 day remediation time frame.

Third Offense:  Loss of computer/media equipment privileges for five days (15 days if given a prior job target and during remediation time frame).  Conference with building administrator, technology director and superintendent.  Notes from conference filed in personnel file.  A job target will be issued if individual was not given one on the second offense.

Fourth Offense:  Removal of computer/media equipment from room.  Loss of computer/media equipment privileges for the remainder of the year.

Severity Clause:  The district reserves the right to waive any or all of the above procedures and employment may be terminated depending on severity of the infraction.  Provisions will be made if an employee needs to gain access to equipment for the recording of student grades, mark student competencies or to implement special education procedures during the time of their privilege losses.

Examples of severe violations might include, but are not limited to:

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Board Approved Date: January 16, 2006
Last Updated: October 2021