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R 4710 Resignation: Certificated Staff

Certificated employees who wish to resign should address a letter of resignation to the Superintendent with copies to the principal/supervisor. The letter should state the reasons and an effective date for the resignation.

The Board considers serious illness, transfer of a spouse, military service or other possible situations as legitimate reasons for resignation of professional staff. However, the board will consider each resignation on an individual basis.

In most cases, resignations become effective at the end of the school year in which they are submitted. Resignations to become effective earlier than at the end of the school year or prior to the beginning of the new school year will require a release by the Board and will be considered on an individual basis.

A certificated employee will be released from contract if the following conditions are met:

  1. Having signed a contract for a school year, a certificated employee may request and be released prior to June 1, without an employee replacement search fee. (Contract for the next school year) released between June 1 and June 30 with an employee replacement search fee of $1,500.00 and finding a suitable replacement.
  2. Having signed a contract for a new school year, a certificated employee may request and be released between July 1 and July 31 with an employee replacement search fee of $2,000.00 and finding a suitable replacement.
  3. Having signed a contract for a new school year, a certificated employee may request and be released between August 1 and August 31 with an employee replacement search fee of $3,000.00 and finding a suitable replacement.
  4. Having signed a contract for a new school year, a certificated employee may request and be released after the school year begins and at any time during the school year with an employee replacement search fee of $4,000.00 and finding a suitable replacement.
  5. The board of education will reserve the right to forego the employee replacement search fee due to extenuating circumstances.

Should the Superintendent decline to recommend a release and the certificated employee leaves the District, the District reserves the right to pursue any and all legal options available to it.


Crest Ridge Regulation

Adopted: August 27, 1991

Revised: August 21, 1995

Revised: April 8, 1999

Revised June 18, 2007

Legal Refs: 168.101-168.130, RSMo. 1984

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Last Updated: June 2019