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R 2610 Misconduct and Disciplinary Consequences

The discipline code set out in this regulation is intended to be illustrative but not an exclusive listing of acts of misconduct and the consequences for each. Misconduct which is not specifically listed in this regulation may be deemed to warrant discipline up to and including expulsion following provision of all due process procedures. In addition, the disciplinary consequence listed for each offense may be increased or decreased by the Administration or the Board of Education due to mitigating or aggravating circumstances.

Copies of this regulation or the student handbook which includes the code of student conduct and disciplinary consequences, as well as the District's corporal punishment policy, if any, will be provided to each student at the beginning of each school year. Copies of these documents will also be available for public inspection during normal business hours in the Superintendent's office.


Possession of or presence under the influence of alcohol regardless of whether the student is on school premises.

First Offense: subject to 11-180 days OSS, possible expulsion, possible documentation of student's discipline record, and possible notification to law enforcement officials.

Subsequent Offenses: expulsion, documentation of the student's discipline record, and notification to law enforcement officials.


Intentionally causing or attempting to cause a fire or explosion

First Offense: in-school suspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in the student's discipline record.

Subsequent Offenses: 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, expulsion, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in the student's discipline record.

Assault - (Refer to Policy and Regulation 2673 - Reporting of Violent Behavior)

Assault of a Student or Staff Member - Use of physical force with the intent to do bodily harm.

  1. Attempting to cause injury to another student, placing a person in reasonable apprehension of imminent physical injury, physically injuring another person.

First Offense: Principal/Student Conference, In-school-suspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, possible notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student's discipline record.

Subsequent Offenses: 11-180 days out-of-school suspension, notification of law enforcement officials, and documentation in student's discipline record.

  1. Attempting to kill or cause serious physical injury to another, killing or causing serious injury to another.

First Offense: expulsion and notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student's discipline record.


Intentional intimidation or infliction of physical, emotional, or mental harm (see Policy 2655).

First Offense: 10-30 Days of OSS

Subsequent Offenses: 180 Days of OSS to expulsion

Bus Conduct -

Any offense committed by a student on a district-owned or contracted bus shall be punished in the same manner as if the offense had been committed at the student's assigned school, In addition, bus-riding privileges may be suspended or revoked.

First Report - Student/Principal Conference

Second Report – 8th hour/2-hour detention

Third Report- 1-3 day suspension from bus

Fourth Report - 3-5 day suspension from bus

Fifth Report - 5-10 day suspension from bus

Sixth Report - removal from bus for remainder of the school year.


Physically striking another in a mutual contact as differentiated from an assault.

First Offense: Principal/student conference, in-school-suspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, expulsion, and possible documentation of student's discipline record.

Subsequent Offenses: In-school-suspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, expulsion and documentation in student's discipline record.

Insubordination/Defiance of Authority

Refusal to obey directions or defiance of staff authority

First Offense: Principal/student conference, in-school-suspension, two-hour detention, Saturday School or 1-180 days out-of-school suspension and possible documentation of student's discipline record.

Subsequent Offenses: In-school-suspension, Saturday School, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion and documentation in student's discipline record.

Disrespectful Conduct or Speech toward a Staff Member -

Verbal, written. or symbolic language or gesture directed at a staff member. which is rude, vulgar, defiant, or considered inappropriate for public settings.

First Offense: Principal/student conference, in-school-suspension, two-hour detention, Saturday School or 1-180 days out-of-school suspension and possible documentation of student's discipline record.

Subsequent Offenses: 11-180 days out-of-school suspension, notification of law enforcement officials, and documentation in student's discipline record.

Physical Abuse of Staff Member

First Offense: Recommend expulsion and notification of law enforcement officials.


Lack of cooperation, general malfeasance, or negligence of school rules or authority.

First Offense: subject to two-hour detention and/or Focus.

Second Offense: subject to ISS, Saturday School, or out-of-school suspension and parent conference.

Third Offense: subject to out-of-school suspension.

False Alarms

Tampering with emergency equipment, setting off false alarms, making false reports, communicating a threat or false report for the purpose of frightening, disturbing or causing the evacuation or closure of school property; including but not limited to: false bomb threats, pulling the fire alarm, false 911 calls, or any false catastrophe is prohibited.

First Offense: Restitution, principal/student conference, in-school suspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension and immediate report to law enforcement.

Subsequent Offenses: in-school suspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, expulsion, immediate report to law enforcement.

Drugs/Controlled Substance

Possession or presence under the influence of a controlled substance or substance represented to be a controlled substance while at school, on the school playground, on the school parking lot, a school bus or at a school activity whether on or off of school property.

First Offense: subject to 11-180 days OSS, possible expulsion, possible documentation of student's discipline record, and possible notification to law enforcement officials.

Subsequent Offenses: expulsion, documentation of the student's discipline record, and notification to law enforcement officials.

Sale of a controlled substance or substance represented to be a controlled substance while at school or at any of the locations described above.

Sale, purchase, or distribution of any prescription drug, alcohol, narcotic substance, counterfeit drugs, and/or drug-related paraphernalia. Consequences of this offense can be used in conjunction with the disciplinary action of the offenses listed in paragraph A- policy 2640.

Prescription Medication

Possession of a prescription medication without a valid prescription for such medication on school premises or on a school bus.

First Offense: subject to 11-180 days OSS, possible expulsion, possible documentation of student's discipline record, and possible notification to law enforcement officials.

Subsequent Offenses: expulsion, documentation of the student's discipline record, and notification to law enforcement officials.

Distribution of prescription medication to any individual who does not have a valid prescription for such medication on school premises or on a school bus.

First Offense: subject to 11-180 days OSS, possible expulsion, possible documentation of student's discipline record, and possible notification to law enforcement officials.

Subsequent Offenses: expulsion, documentation of the student's discipline record, and notification to law enforcement officials.


Threatening or intimidating, either verbally and/or physically, any student for the purpose of obtaining money or other valuables.

First Offense: Principal/student conference, in-school-suspension, Saturday School, Two Hour detention or 1-10 days out-of-school suspension

Subsequent Offenses: In-school-suspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, expulsion and possible documentation of student's discipline record.

Firearms and Weapons (Refer to Policy and Regulation 2620 - Firearms and Weapons in School)

Possession of a weapon

A. Possession or use of any instrument or device other than those defined in 18 U .S.C. 921, 18 U.S.C. 930(g)(2) or 571.010 RSMo, which is customarily used for attack or defense against another person.

First Offense: In-school suspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension or expulsion, possible notification of law enforcement officials, and possible documentation in student's discipline record.

Second Offense: 11-180 days out-of-school suspension or expulsion, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student's discipline record.

Possession of a firearm

  1. Or use of a firearm, as defined in 18 U.S.C. 921, 18 U.S.C. 930(g)(2) or 571.010, RSMo, or any instrument or device defined as dangerous in 18 U.S.C.

First Offense:  180 days out-of-school suspension or expulsion, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student discipline record.

Subsequent Offenses:  Expulsion, documentation in student’s discipline record, and notification to law enforcement officials.  (Policy 2620).

Sexual Harassment

(Refer to Policy 2130 - Harassment) The Crest Ridge R-VII School District does not condone or tolerate any form of sexual harassment of, or by, staff or students. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other inappropriate verbal, written, symbolic language or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

First Offense: Principal/Student conference, in-school-suspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion and possible documentation in student's discipline record.

Subsequent Offenses: In-school suspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion and possible documentation in student's discipline record.

Improper Display of Affection

Physical display or contact that is inappropriate for the school setting, including, but not limited to consensual kissing, fondling, groping or embracing

First Offense: Principal/student conference, in-school-suspension, two-hour detention, 1- 180 days out-of-school suspension, and possible documentation of student's discipline record.

Subsequent Offenses: In-school-suspension, Saturday School or 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion and documentation of student's discipline record.


The preliminary argument, gestures, and/or body language, which could potentially lead to a physical confrontation.

First Offense: subject to two-hour detention, in-school-suspension.

Subsequent Offenses: subject to in-school-suspension, Saturday School, or out-of-school suspension and parent conference.


The use of profane, obscene, or vulgar words or phrases (written or spoken). This may include, but not limited to, language depicting venous sexual acts, human waste, or blasphemy. The offense may be used in conjunction with other consequences.

First Offense: Principal/student conference, two-hour detention, in-school-suspension, or 1- 10 days out-of-school suspension.

Subsequent Offenses: In-school suspension, Saturday School, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, and possible documentation of student's discipline record.

Disruptive Speech, Appearance, or Conduct (Disruption of the Educational Process)

Conduct, appearance, or verbal, written, pictorial or symbolic language, which materially and substantially disrupts the educational process in the classroom, hallways, during transit, during school, or at school activities and functions.

First Offense: Principal/student conference, two-hour detention, in-school-suspension, Saturday School, or 1-10 days out-of-school suspension.

Subsequent Offenses: In-school-suspension, Saturday School, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion, and possible documentation in student's discipline record.

Disparaging or Demeaning Language

Use of words or actions, verbal, written, or pictorial or symbolic meant to harass or injure another person (i.e. threats of violence or defamation of a person's race, religion, gender, or ethnic origin.)

First Offense: Principal/student conference, two-hour detention, in-school-suspension, Saturday School, or 1-10 days out-of-school suspension.

Subsequent Offense: In-school-suspension, Saturday School, 1-10 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion, and documentation in student's discipline record.

Sexually Inappropriate Behavior (Refer to Policy and Regulation 2130 - Harassment)

A. Phvsical contact that is sexually inappropriate (i.e. physical touching of another student in the area of the breasts, buttocks, or genitals)

First Offense: In-school-suspension, two-hour detention, Saturday School or 1-180 days out-of- school suspension, or expulsion and possible documentation in student's discipline record.

Subsequent Offenses: 11-180 days out-of-school suspension or expulsion and documentation in student's discipline record.

B. Use of sexually inappropriate verbal language, written or symbolic, objects, and/or pictures.

First Offense: Principal/student conference, in school suspension, two-hour detention or 1- 180 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion and documentation of student's discipline record.

Subsequent Offenses: In-school-suspension, Saturday School or 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion and documentation of student's discipline record.

First Offense: Principal/student conference, in school suspension, two-hour detention or 1- 180 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion and documentation of student's discipline record.

Subsequent Offenses: In-school-suspension, Saturday School or 1-180 days out -of-school suspension, or expulsion and documentation of student's discipline record.

Theft/Possession of Stolen Property-

Theft, attempted theft, or knowingly in the possession of stolen property.

First Offense: Restitution, principal/student conference, in-school-suspension or 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, possible notification of law enforcement officials, and possible documentation in student's discipline record.

Subsequent Offenses: In-school-suspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion, possible notification of law enforcement officials, and documentation in student's discipline record.

Tobacco -

A. Possession of any tobacco products on school grounds, bus, or at any school activity (home or away).

First Offense: In-school-suspension, Saturday School or 1-3 days out-of-school suspension, and confiscation of tobacco product.

Subsequent Offenses: In-school-suspension, 1-10 days out-of-school suspension and confiscation of tobacco product.

B. Use of any tobacco products on school grounds, bus, or at any school activity (home and away).

First Offense: In-school-suspension, Saturday School or 1-3 days out-of-school suspension, and confiscation of tobacco product.

Subsequent Offense: In-school-suspension, 1-10 days out-of-school suspension and confiscation of tobacco product. (Policy 2630)


Absent or tardy from class or classes without authorization (See also Policy and Regulation 2340 - Truancy and Educational Neglect.) Absence from school without the knowledge and consent of parents/guardians and/or the school administration; excessive non-justifiable absences, even with the consent of parents/guardians. Multiple consecutive days of truancy may result in detention days exceeding the offense.

First Offense: 1-3 days in-school-suspension or Saturday School.

Subsequent Offenses: 3-10 days in-school-suspension or 2-Saturday Schools (Policy 2630


Willful damage or the attempt to cause damage to real or personal property belonging to school. staff or students.

First Offense: Restitution, principal/student conference, in-school-suspension or 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion possible notification of law enforcement officials, and possible documentation in student's discipline record.

Subsequent Offenses: Restitution, in-school-suspension or 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion, notification of law enforcement officials, and documentation in student's discipline record. (Policy 2654)

Cheating/Plagiarism -

Cheating/plagiarism will not be tolerated.

First Offense: Result in a zero for the assignment or project and parental contact by the instructor.

Subsequent Offenses: Result in extended in-school suspension and/or out-of-school suspension.

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Last Updated: June 2019