
P 2656 Student Cell Phone Usage

Developments in cell phone technology in recent years have resulted in enhanced communication opportunities.  However, the use of cell phones in schools poses increasing risks of school disruptions, bullying, criminal activity, and academic dishonesty. As a result, student cell phones, digital cameras and similar electronic devices will be banned during the instructional day, as well as, in dressing areas during extracurricular activities. 

From 7:55 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. students are not to have cell phones in their possession.  Students are NOT to have cell phones out while on the bus.  They are to either to be kept in backpack/purse or pockets while traveling to and from school on the bus. If a student brings a cell phone to school, the cell phone is to be turned off and kept in the student’s locker.

Students who use cell phones before or after the regular school day will be expected to use them in an appropriate manner.  Students found using cell phones inappropriately will be considered in violation of this policy.

Inappropriate use may include but not limited to the following:

Parents may apply to the building principal to obtain a hardship exception.  In such cases, the student’s cell phone must be retained in the principal’s office.  Students granted a hardship may visit the office to use their cell phone for approved purposes.  Telephones are also available in school offices for parents to contact their student for legitimate reasons. 

Students found in violation of this policy will be disciplined according to the following:

First offense:  Phone confiscated, returned to student at end of school day and the student will be assigned an afterschool detention.

Second offense: Phone confiscated, parental conference and the student will be assigned one day of in school suspension.

Third offense: Phone confiscated, parental conference and the student will be assigned two days out of school suspension.

Subsequent offense(s):  Phone confiscated, parental conference and the student will be assigned 3-180 days out of school suspension.

Last Updated: October 2015