Paris R-II


P 4710 Resignation: Certificated Staff

Certificated employees who for any reason intend to retire or resign at the end of the current school year are encouraged to indicate their plans in writing to the Board as early as possible, but no later than June 1.

Resignations to become effective during the school year require a release by the Board and must be considered on an individual basis. Letters of resignation shall be submitted to the Superintendent/designee and the principal/supervisor. The letter should state reasons and an effective date for the resignation.

It is the practice of the administration to recommend to the Board those certificated employees who request to resign after June 1 and prior to July 31 be released from their contracts when there is good cause determined by the Board. After July 31, a certificated employee may petition the Superintendent to recommend a release from his/her contract for extremely unusual reasons. Should the Superintendent decline to recommend a release and the certificated employee leaves the District, the District reserves the right to pursue any and all legal options available to it.

Release from Contract

Any contract may be terminated at any time by mutual consent.  Any request for release from contract by a professional staff member other than the superintendent shall be submitted in writing and directed to the superintendent.  A teacher will not be released from contract unless a suitable replacement is available, and then only on conditions set forth in the Missouri Teacher Tenure Act.  The Board may consider a release of contract for the following reasons:

  1. Health-Any request for a release of contract based upon the health of the professional staff member shall require a certificate by a physician that continued employment will be detrimental to the person’s health.
  2. Transfer of Spouse-If a teacher’s spouse receives a transfer from the geographical area, the Board may grant a release, but the release shall be conditional upon the employment of a duly qualified replacement.
  3. Other Reasons-Recognizing that the teacher’s contract is a legal document, which binds both the teacher and the Board; the Board’s attitude shall generally be one of disapproval for requests of release of contract for reasons other than health or transfer of spouse. The Board will at all times hold the welfare of the students paramount during the consideration and deliberation of requests for release.

Liquidated Damages

Staff members not planning to return to the Paris R-II District for the next school year should submit their resignations to the central office as soon as resignation plans are finalized.  If a resignation is requested by the certificated staff member after a contract has been signed and returned by a probationary teacher or after June 1 in the case of a tenured teacher, the Board of Education shall judge it according to the availability of a suitable replacement.  Because of the additional difficulties involved in securing replacements after June 1, the Board of Education shall assess a fee as a condition of releasing a certificated staff member from the currently signed contract.  The following schedule shall be used:

Resignations after May 1 (probationary teachers)     $1000

Resignations after June 1                                          $1500

Resignations after June 15                                        $2000

Resignations after July 1                                           $2500

Resignations after July 15                                         $3000

Resignations after July 31                                         $3500

Nothing in this policy shall be construed as granting a right to release from contract upon payment of a fee without the consent of the Board of Education.  The fee will be collected at the time of resignation and deposited following the resignation approval by the Board of Education.


Board Approved Date: May 18, 2022
Last Updated: May 2022