Sedalia School District 200


P 2506 Automated External Defibrillator


An automated external defibrillator (AED) is used to treat victims who experience sudden cardiac arrest. It is only to be applied to victims who are unconscious, not breathing, and have no pulse. The AED will analyze the heart rhythm and advise the operator if a shockable rhythm is detected. If a shockable rhythm is detected, the AED will charge to the appropriate energy level and advise the operator to deliver a shock.

Health and Safety Coordinator Responsibilities:

Medical Control:

The medical advisor of the AED program is (available from the District Nurse Coordinator.) The medical advisor of the AED program is responsible for:

Authorized AED Users:

MERT Member Responsibilities:

Volunteer Responder Responsibilities:


The AED and first aid emergency care kit will be brought to all medical emergencies.

The AED should be used on any person who is at least 8 years of age and displays ALL the symptoms of cardiac arrest. *Persons under the age of 8 or less that 55 pounds need pediatric electrode pads connected to the AED before use!

The AED will be placed only after the following symptoms are confirmed:

Location of AEDs:

Each AED will have one set of defibrillation electrodes connected to the device and two spare sets of electrodes with the AED. The spare sets will include adult and pediatric electrode pads. One resuscitation kit will be connected to the handle of the AED. This kit contains two pair of latex-free gloves, one razor, and one set of trauma shears, and one facemask barrier device.

Initial Training: MERT Members:

Volunteer Responders:

Medical Response Documentation:

It is important to document any medical emergency. The following forms shall be sent to the Health and Safety Coordinator within 24 hours of the medical events:

Equipment Maintenance:

All equipment and accessories necessary for support of medical emergency response shall be maintained in a state of readiness. Specific maintenance requirements include:

System Verification and Review:

The medical emergency response system is ultimately successful if necessary medical assistance is provided to victims in a timely and safe manner. Since actual use of this system procedure is expected to be very infrequent, other measures of effectiveness are required.

Annual System Assessment:

Once each calendar year, the districts health coordinator shall conduct and document a system readiness review. This review shall include review of the following elements:

Monthly System Check:

Twice each calendar month, the building nurse or designee shall conduct and document a system check. These records shall be retained according to the schedule established for the environmental health and safety function. This check shall include review of the following elements:

Post Even Review:

Following each deployment of the MERT, a review shall be conducted to learn from the experience. The building administrator and/or staff nurse shall conduct and document the post event review. All key participants in the event shall participate in the review. Included in the review shall be the identification of actions that went well and the collection of opportunities for improvement as well as critical incident stress debriefing. A summary of the post even review shall be sent to the district’s health and safety coordinators.


  Printed Name Signature Date
Medical Director:      
Health Coordinator:      
Safety Coordinator:      

View Regulation

Last Updated: February 2019