Sedalia School District 200


R 6270 Instruction for At-Risk Students

At-risk students are identified by reviewing permanent records, school performance, and teacher and parent/guardian conferences and interviews. Teacher, counselor, social worker, nurse, and/or parent/guardian referral may initiate a staffing by appropriate school personnel to identify and determine appropriate services for children at-risk of academic failure.

Once identified, these students are given necessary support and intervention services such as Educable Mentally Handicapped (EMH), Behavior Disorder (BD), Learning Disability (LD), or Title I reading, language arts, and/or mathematics instruction, frequent parent/guardian conferences and involvement and curriculum modifications to accommodate the special needs of these students.

Examples of students who may be educationally at-risk include, but are not limited to:

  1. Academic problems - one or more years behind age group; promotion doubtful due to poor grades; without access to appropriate educational program.
  2. Discipline/Behavior problems - recurring discipline problems; has rebellious attitude; unable to relate to authority; has been referred for social work or psychological assistance.
  3. Disengaged from school - has negative attitude toward learning; has high absentee or truancy rate.

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Board Approved Date: October 1999
Last Updated: February 2019