Zalma R-V


P 2200 Admission and Withdrawal

The admission and denial of admission of all students shall be under the direction of the Superintendent/Designee, subject to the approval of the Board of Education. All persons seeking admission to the District and its instructional programs must satisfactorily meet all residency, academic, age, immunization, health, safety and other eligibility prerequisites as established by Board policies, rules and regulations, and by law. Students entering the District will be required to present a birth certificate or some other acceptable proof of age along with proof of residency in the District, or a request for a waiver of the residency requirements unless the student is exempt from the residency requirements as set forth in District policies, rules and regulations and/or law.

Upon a request to enroll any student in the District, the Superintendent/Designee will request the student’s previous school records along with any other relevant records as set forth in Regulation 2200 and state law.  Any enrollment of a student prior to receipt of the student’s previous discipline records will remain conditional until receipt of such records.  A student will be allowed to attend school during conditional enrollment so long as the student does not violate the District’s code of conduct or pose a threat of harm to students or employees of the District.  (See Regulation 2200, Policy 2290, and Policy and Regulation 2664).

Students who are entering kindergarten or first grade are encouraged to pre-register in the spring prior to the fall semester in which they are to begin attendance.

View Regulation

Last Updated: July 2014