Marquand-Zion R-VI


R 2610 Misconduct and Disciplinary Consequences

The discipline code set out in this regulation is intended to be illustrative but not an exclusive listing of acts of misconduct and the consequences for each. Misconduct which is not specifically listed in this regulation may be deemed to warrant discipline up to and including expulsion following provision of all due process procedures. In addition, the disciplinary consequence listed for each offense may be increased or decreased by the Administration or the Board of Education due to mitigating or aggravating circumstances.

Copies of this regulation or the student handbook which includes the code of student conduct and disciplinary consequences, as well as the District's corporal punishment policy, if any, will be provided to each student at the beginning of each school year. Copies of these documents will also be available for public inspection during normal business hours in the Superintendent's office.

Marquand-Zion Elementary School Discipline Section


The admittance to and the continued attendance in public school is a privilege dependent upon compliance with the laws of the state of Missouri and the rules and regulations of the Marquand-Zion School Board of Education. It follows that the privilege of attending school may be revoked. The failure of a student to comply with the duties he is required to perform constitutes misconduct, and such a student is liable to probation, suspension, or expulsion. The duties of the students are as follows:

  1. Be responsible
  2. Be respectful
  3. Be kind
  4. Be cooperative
  5. Be safe


The purpose of this discipline policy is to ensure a safe and orderly environment for learning in the Marquand-Zion R-6 School District. It is the intention of this policy to prevent actions which might interfere with the school's educational process.

In as much as all behavior infractions cannot be foreseen and dealt with in this policy, it is the goal of this school district to establish a clear statement of expectations for its students and the consequences which will follow when infractions of the expectations occur.

This policy is to benefit and govern the Marquand-Zion Elementary School. It is written in accordance with and as a supplement to the master discipline policy adopted by the Marquand-Zion R-6 School District. Any improper conduct and methods of discipline not referred to in this supplement shall be covered by the master discipline plan.

The following disciplinary procedures will be followed: The teacher will attend to the internal affairs of the individual classroom setting forth rules, expectations, and disciplinary procedures in accordance with the Marquand-Zion R-VI School District policy.
In cases where individual classroom disciplinary procedures have failed, the student will be sent to the building principal. Discipline will then be administered according to the severity of the offense and the number of infractions. Consequences will be chosen from the list below. More than 1 consequence may happen. All suspensions will go to the Superintendent for review and possible increase or decrease in the number of days. Disciplinary procedures will include: (not necessarily in this order)

Level 1 offences

Level 2 offences

Level 3 offences

- Rudeness
- Yelling
- Fighting (1st offence)
- Disrupting or hindering the safe operation of the bus driver and the students riding the bus.
- Hitting or hurting a classmate
- Failure to complete classroom assignments
- Disruption of the learning environment

- Inappropriate language
- Use of computer for non-educational uses
- Violation of copyright laws
- Altering school computers and/or their data
- Insubordination
- Fighting (2nd offence)
- Stealing
- Repeated hitting or hurting a student
- Repeated failure to complete classroom assignments
- using inappropriate hand gestures

- Continued willful disobedience
- Defiance or disrespect authority
- Damaging or defacing school property *
- Repeated truancy
- Profanity or vulgarity
- Smoking or possession of tobacco
- Fighting (3rd offence)
- Use or possession of alcohol or drugs
- Bullying
- Harassment
- Bringing weapons to school
- A student poses a continuing threat
- Continued disruptions of the academic process
- Continued failure to complete classroom assignments

Level 1 Consequences

Level 2 Consequences

Level 3 Consequences

- Conference with student
- Conference with parents
- Suspension of recess and other privileges (field trips, class parties, assemblies, etc.)
- Lunch Detention
- After school detention

- Prolonged suspension from recess
- Prolonged lunch detention
- After school detention
- Conference with the principal
- Time off the computers as desired by the teacher and/or principal
- Corporal punishment
- Out of school suspension
- Law enforcement notification

- Corporal punishment
- In-School Suspension
- Out of School Suspension
- Suspension of up to 10 days
- Involvement of the superintendent of schools for extended suspension or expulsion recommendations
- Involvement of juvenile officers or other law enforcement
- After school detention
- Combination of multiple consequences

The consequences are subject to change due to the severity of the offences.

Due to the severity of the above offenses, a conference will be held with the student to determine if the student is guilty of the charge. Since these offenses are of the most severe nature, they will be dealt with in accordance to policy set forth by the Marquand-Zion R-6 School District.

All discipline outlined in this policy will be prefaced by a conference with the student involved, teachers and other witnesses. In order that the correct discipline procedure is chosen, an investigation of the student's actions will occur to determine the student's guilt or innocence.

Minor offenses will be handled by the classroom or supervising teachers. This shall be done in accordance with school board policy and with the approval of the building principal.

Failure to complete class work or homework will be dealt with by the classroom teacher except in severe instances. Failure to do appropriate work will be reflected in the grade the student receives in that subject.

In-school suspension is not used often because the district does not have an ISS teacher. It must be remembered that ISS is a form of punishment for other than expected behavior. The student is suspended from classes, but attends school in an isolated room and does the work assigned by the student's teacher.  He/She will remain in the room until the end of the day. The student will eat lunch in the ISS room. He/she will not be allowed to talk to anyone other than the teacher who has ISS duty. If a student fails to attend school on the day for which ISS is assigned. ISS will fall on the first day back for the student.


Although the school property is at the disposal of students, and is for their use and betterment, it is expected that said property will be treated with care and respect. Abuse, defacing, and/or destruction of school property will not be tolerated.
* According to Missouri statute, parent/guardians are liable for payment of damages inflicted by their charges (students).


The language used by students is a reflection not only on themselves, but also on their parents and the school.

Although we can only encourage proper grammar and proper use of the English language, we do feel that definite standards need to be set and obeyed as to proper language to be used at school by our students.


Although students cannot be forced to respect a teacher for his/her personality, it must be understood that due to the time which the teacher has spent preparing for and engaging in the occupation of classroom instructor, he/she does deserve respect for the position held. The instructor holds complete authority in his/her classroom, subordinate only to the Principal, Superintendent and Board of Education. All students are expected to obey the requests and directives of each and every classroom teacher to the farthest limits bounded by propriety, good taste, and common sense. Grievances can and will be heard from students, but are expected only through proper channels, and at proper times outside of class. While at school and at school sponsored events, the teacher acts in absence of the student's parent, and is to be accorded the same respect which should be given the parent.

Examples of insubordination would be:

  1. Repeating an action which teacher has requested that the student cease.
  2. Rude or abusive answers to an instructor's questions.
  3. Repeated failure to comply with instructions given by the instructor.
  4. Smart remarks and a visibly rude attitude.

Marquand-Zion High School Discipline Section

In general, you are expected to behave in a reasonable, polite manner at school. We have generated a list of discipline infractions, and the penalties that you may suffer for each infraction. Note that every infraction includes a behavior points category. Behavior points will be kept and totaled on each student. When you reach 7 points in a semester, you will be placed on social probation and will not be allowed to attend extra curricular activities after school or field trips. When you reach 12 points in a semester, you are guilty of excessive misconduct, and subject to out of school suspension. You may want to read the section on the Excessive Misconduct Control Program. Not every type of misconduct can be foreseen, so any unlisted misconduct will be dealt with in accordance with Missouri Law and at the discretion of the principal.

In general, the following penalties are possible:

  1. Warning: You will receive a formal warning, and it will be recorded in your disciplinary file.
  2. Lunch Detention (LD): The student is required to eat lunch in a classroom with the principal or other certified personnel. After eating lunch, the student will work on school work or assignments to modify behavior.
  3. After School Detention (ASD): After school detention will run from 3:05 till 4:00. ASD will be, by design and intent, a harsh, no-nonsense environment designed to punish you for your misconduct, and more importantly, to deter you from repeating that misbehavior. Expect to have to work, be obedient, and silent in this setting.
  4. In School Suspension (ISS): The student is isolated from the other students. He/She is required to do his/her work in a room or office that is free of distractions. He/She will have no contact with the other students during the school day. If other students are in the room, you are expected to work, be obedient, and silent.
  5. Out of School Suspension (OSS): This penalty bans you from attending school and school related functions. You will be required to make-up all missed work when you return from suspension. The work will be graded however, no credit will be given. It is up to the student to ask for make-up work upon returning. You may not attend home or away extracurricular activities (games, dances, etc.) during a suspension. You may not come on campus unless invited by the administration while suspended. If you come on campus anyhow, you will first be warned to leave. If you do not, law enforcement will be asked to arrest you for criminal trespassing. The principal has the authority to suspend you from school for 10 academic days. All suspensions are reviewed by the Superintendent and may be increased at his discretion in an attempt to keep order within the schools. The superintendent may suspend you for up to 180 calendar days.
  6. Expulsion: This penalty means that you are dropped from MZHS and banned from attending again. The subject will be reviewed after a one year period, at which time you may be enrolled at the discretion of the superintendent and the approval of the Board of Education. Expulsion for certain violent offenses covered under the Missouri Safe Schools Act will result in all schools in the State of Missouri honoring the expulsion and refusing you admission. The Marquand Zion R-VI School Board has the authority, for good reason, to expel students. In certain situations, the Missouri Safe Schools Act mandates expulsion.
  7. Law Enforcement: In certain situations where misconduct affects the safety of others and/or when laws are broken-law enforcement officials will be contacted.


In the past discipline system, penalty for one disciplinary infraction is left unrelated to another infraction. This does not deter inappropriate behavior effectively. To rectify this situation, the Excessive Misconduct Control Program (EMCP) acts to relate all misconduct, and penalize excessive misbehavior. Under this program, every discipline infraction will have Conduct Points associated with it. Students who reach 12 Conduct Points during a semester will be guilty of Excessive Misbehavior. That student will then be suspended for excessive misbehavior, plus will suffer the penalty for the misconduct which put them at 12 points. Upon return to school, the student will be placed on a behavior contract, and have the cumulative conduct point total adjusted to 11 points. In addition, at the end of school every Friday, 2 points will be subtracted from the student's conduct point total. If they violate a rule, then the appropriate number of conduct points will be added to the conduct point total. When the student reaches 12 points, they are again guilty of excessive misbehavior and begin again. When they get to zero points, they are removed from the behavior contract. Total conduct points will be reset at semester for all students, except those currently on a behavior contract.

Note: Students returning from an excessive misconduct suspension to a behavior contract on a Monday or Tuesday will have the full 2 points subtracted from the point total on Friday; Those returning on Wednesday or Thursday will have only one point subtracted on the first Friday of return. Those returning on a Friday will have no points subtracted on the first Friday.

1st Time: 3 Days Out of School Suspension.
2nd Time: 5 Days Out of School Suspension.
3rd Time and Every Time Thereafter per Semester: 10 Days Out of School Suspension.


Notes on Cumulative Conduct Points:
All students who are referred for disciplinary purposes will receive an accumulating total of discipline code points. Any student reaching 7 points will be placed on social probation for the remainder of the semester. While on social probation the student may not attend extra curricular activities, after school activities or field trips. Any student who exceeds 12 points in a given semester is guilty of excessive misbehavior. That student will receive the penalty for the violation which placed them over 12 points, plus the OSS for the excessive misbehavior violation. (Sum is limited to 10 OSS).* Students returning from an excessive misbehavior suspension will be placed on a behavior contract and at 11 Points. Each Friday upon return, 2 Points will be subtracted from the student's behavior point total. Upon reaching zero, the student is no longer on a behavior contract. Each time the student goes over 12 points, they are guilty of excessive misbehavior.

At the beginning of each semester the behavior point totals are reset for all students, except for students currently on a behavior contract.

*All OSS will be reviewed by the Superintendent and additional days of OSS or ER may be assigned at his discretion.

(Penalties are stated in the discipline summary.)

ACCESSORY: Any student who assists another in violating the discipline policy. Examples – talking a student into a violation, helping a student cover up a violation, etc.
ARSON: Starting a fire or causing an explosion with the intension to damage property or buildings.
ASSAULT: Defined as the attempt to do bodily harm to another person. This is differentiated from fighting by severity, intention, and the nature/or lack of provocation.
BANNED MATERIALS/ITEMS: Cell phones during class hours, Water guns, Whistles, Pagers, Lasers, Inappropriate and/or Lewd Magazines, Pillow, Blankets, CDs or Cassettes with Parental Advisories, Cigarette Lighters, Matches, Key Chains with Lewd and/or Inappropriate Messages, and other materials which may be distracting or inappropriate in the view of the faculty and staff of Marquand-Zion High School are banned. Penalties are as stated in the discipline summary, except that Lewd Materials, Cigarette Lighters, Matches, and CDs/Cassettes with Parental Advisories will be confiscated permanently.
BULLYING/HARRASSMENT: Defined as when one person repeatedly picks on or hurts another person either physically, verbally, or non-verbally. Bullying can be pushing, shoving, hitting, spitting, as well as name calling, picking on, making  fun of, heckling, starting rumors, excluding someone and basically any unwanted teasing or joking.
BUS DISRUPTION: Any disruptive or insubordinate activity on the bus.
CHEATING: Looking at another student's paper during a test or quiz, copying homework when not allowed by teacher, receiving an answer during a test/quiz from another student, using a "cheat sheet", or in some manner giving another student an answer during a test/quiz, or giving another student homework to be copied when not allowed by the teacher. Plagiarism is stealing and using the ideas or writings of another as one’s own.
CLASSROOM DISRUPTION: Any action by the student which, in the opinion of the teacher, is disruptive of the teaching environment or educational process.
COMPUTER USE VIOLATIONS: Any action by the student which violates the computer use agreement.
DESTRUCTION OF SCHOOL PROPERTY: The destruction of school property either by intention, or by willful neglect.
DISRESPECT: Any action (including speech), which is disrespectful to the faculty, staff, or other students at Marquand-Zion High School.
DRUG/ALCOHOL POSSESSION/USE/U.I.: The use or possession of any illegal mood altering substance, to include alcohol. Also includes coming to school under the influence of a mood altering substance.
EXCESSIVE MISCONDUCT: Exceeding 12 Conduct Points during one semester.
FAILURE TO ATTEND ASD: Failure to attend a scheduled after school detention.
FIELD TRIP MISBEHAVIOR: Any behavior that would be considered an infraction while at school, but also includes any misbehavior that occurs given the particular circumstances of being off school grounds and/or on a field trip.
FIGHTING: Physical contact in an aggressive manner. May include shoving, hitting, kicking, head-butting, choking, etc. When both students are equally involved, penalties will be equal. When one student is clearly the aggressor, and the other is a non-aggressor, the non-aggressor will be treated in a substantially less severe manner.
FORGERY: Signing someone else’s name to a document.
HORSEPLAY AND/OR ROUGH HOUSING: Students continue with an act thinking the act is funny when it is not.
INAPPROPRIATE ATTIRE: The wearing of inappropriate or banned clothing at school. Includes wearing of hats indoors during school hours.
INDECENT EXPOSURE: This will include walking around in your underwear, flashing/mooning with or without undergarments.
INSUBORDINATION: Refusing to comply with the reasonable directive of an administrator, certified faculty member, or adult staff member.
INTIMIDATION/THREATENING: Verbally threatening another student or MZHS staff member, or acting in a physically threatening or intimidating manner. Note that with regard to MZHS staff members, no threat, verbal or otherwise, will be considered as a joke. It will not be funny to the staff member, and it will not be funny to you when you suffer the consequence.
LEAVING CAMPUS WITHOUT PERMISSION: Self explanatory. You must have the principal's permission before you may sign out to leave campus during the school day. You may sign out with prior parental permission, either in a note or a phone call from a parent.
LEAVING CLASS WITHOUT PERMISSION: Self explanatory. You must have the teacher’s permission before leaving the classroom.
LEWD/ABUSIVE LANGUAGE OR GESTURES: Cursing, giving the finger or similar tactics, belittling speech toward another student or MZHS staff member.
MISCELLANEOUS: This will cover any discipline issue that is not addressed in the disciplinary code. All possible discipline issues cannot be foreseen, but are clearly inappropriate and should be dealt with.
MOVING VEHICLE VIOLATIONS: Operating your vehicle in an unsafe or illegal manner in the vicinity of the school. (Cutting donuts, excessive speed, racing, riding people on exterior of vehicle, etc.)
NON-MOVING VEHICLE VIOLATIONS: Waiting at or in your vehicle after arrival on school grounds in the morning; Parking improperly, etc.
PHYSICAL AGGRESSION: Any act of physical aggression toward other students or staff. Less serious that assault or fighting.
PLAGIARISM: To use the ideas or writings of another as one’s own.
PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION: Includes kissing, improper touching, full body hugging, etc.
REFUSING TO WORK: Student refuses to do the work that is assigned.
SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Includes, but is not limited to: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Examples include: sexually provocative or explicit speech, derogatory comments toward a certain student, demeaning comments, sexually explicit writing, grabbing or twisting an individual's arm (particularly a larger person grabbing a smaller person to make them compliant), unwarranted restraint, inappropriate touching, and gestures of a sexual nature.
SKIPPING CLASS: Missing a class, or a portion of a class when in attendance (not signed out), without having permission. Over ten minutes late to a class is considered skipping class, not tardy.
STEALING: Taking something that is not yours without permission. Minor stealing is under $25, Major is stealing $25 or more.
TARDY: Not being to class when the bell rings. You must be through the door by the time the bell stops ringing or you are tardy. If you've been with another teacher, bring a note from that teacher to your next class.
TOBACCO USE OR POSSESSION: Having or using a tobacco product on school grounds. Do not bring tobacco products onto school grounds, period. Note that cars in the parking lot will not be searched for tobacco products, but if you are found smoking or chewing there, you will be penalized.
TRUANCY: Being absent from school without good reason.
UNPREPARED FOR CLASS (excessively): Excessively, (more than 3x in 1 quarter) unprepared for class. Not doing homework, not bringing books, paper, writing instruments, etc. Not dressing out for PE falls in this category.
WEAPONS POSSESSION: Carrying onto school grounds any obvious weapon (firearm, knife, numchucks, throwing stars, etc.); or using or threatening to use any common object (such as a baseball bat, tire iron, pencil, pen, screwdriver, etc.) as a weapon.

For the protection of everyone, the superintendent may, at his discretion, employ the use of drug dogs to search lockers and school property.

Students may be banned from attendance at home and away extracurricular events (including games, competitions, dances, concerts, etc.) for accumulating 7 or more discipline points. This is left to the discretion of the principal/superintendent and may last for a period of from one event to one semester. The student on social probation may not ride team/activity buses, or be on the campus where such an event is occurring-during the event. Violation of this policy may result in both an extension of the social probation, charges of criminal trespass, and constitute discipline code violation under insubordination.

Any student who is “written up”, four times in a single class during one semester, for behavior which disrupts the learning/teaching process, will be removed from the class until the end of the semester. The student will receive an F in the class. “Written up” means a teacher gives a discipline report to the principal. The principal will assign the consequences to the behavior. In some instances, ISS may be substituted for OSS.

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Board Approved Date: February 20, 2018
Last Updated: June 2015