
P 2931 Co-curricular and Extracurricular Activities Program

North Callaway R-1 School District has a vital interest in maintaining a positive learning environment that is safe and healthy for all students. To fulfill that purpose and as a proactive measure to keep our schools drug free, the District has adopted a drug testing program for students participating in school-sponsored extracurricular activities.  Students representing the North Callaway R-I School District in its many formal groups are respected and admired by a large segment of the student body. In order to participate in such activities, students are expected to hold themselves as good examples of conduct, citizenship, sportsmanship, and training, which includes the use of illegal substances.  All students in the North Callaway R-I School District who choose to participate in school-sponsored interscholastic activities and clubs are entitled to do so in a drug free environment.

The drug testing program is mandatory to students in grades 7-12 participating in school-sponsored interscholastic activities and clubs. An up-to-date list can be found in the most current Student Athletic/Activities Manual.

This drug testing policy does not in any way modify the disciplinary provisions provided in the North Callaway School District Policy and Regulations. If a student sells, gives, delivers, possesses, uses, or is under the influence of alcohol tobacco, or drugs the student will be subject to the disciplinary provisions of the Student Code of Conduct. A positive drug test is not in and of itself proof that a student has violated the Student Code of Conduct.

The drug testing program does not affect other Board policies or the Student Code of Conduct in dealing with drug or alcohol use or possession where reasonable suspicion is obtained by means other than the mandatory and random sampling discussed here.

Board Approved Date: February 20, 2014
Last Updated: June 2015