Sikeston R-6


P 5240 Weather, Earthquake and Fire Emergencies

At the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, the principal will determine areas in each building which are best suited for the protection of students during civil defense emergencies, including adverse weather conditions. School will not be dismissed in the case of a civil defense alert or tornado warning.

It shall also be the duty of the Superintendent of Schools to provide for fire inspections on an announced and unannounced basis in each building. The Superintendent is responsible for remedying unsafe conditions reported by local fire marshals acting in their official capacities.

The principal will assume responsibility for preparing an emergency exit plan for each building. The plan will permit students to leave the building
safely and quickly. Principals will also prepare a plan for each building for sheltering in place.

Drills are designed to establish safe patterns for students and staff to follow in the case of an emergency. Drills are to include but not be limited to the following hazards: fire, earthquake, and severe weather. Instruction of these drills should be facilitated in the first week of school. Drill procedures are to be practiced at minimum within the first two weeks of school and again within two weeks after students return from semester break.

After-action reports should be completed by principals within 24 hours of  the drill, or as needed in actual emergencies. Administrators are to review the after-action report with their staff preferably within 48 hours of the drill, and no later than the next scheduled faculty meeting. 

The principal will assume responsibility for preparing a fire drill and emergency exit plan for each building. The plan will permit students to leave the building safely and quickly. Fire drills will be held the first full week of school and quarterly thereafter.

The District may adopt emergency plans for the use of the District's resources during natural disasters or other community emergencies. These resources may include food assistance through the use of federal commodity foods, and the use of school buildings and buses.

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Board Approved Date: September 13, 2022
Last Updated: September 2022