Tarkio R-I


P 2656 Student Cell Phone Usage

Students will be allowed to use their cell phones under the following terms: before 8:00 a.m., between bells during passing time, and lunch time. Students are NOT allowed to use cell phones during class time. The school office staff is excellent at relaying emergency messages for parents to students. Teachers will collect student cell phones in their classroom and hand them back at the end of class. Any request by a teacher to turn over a cell phone that is not complied with immediately by the student will result in 1 day of in-school suspension. Physical education students will be required to keep cell phones in backpacks or lockers throughout the class period.
Violations of this policy will result in the following consequences:
1st – confiscation of device, which may be picked up in the principal’s office by the student; after school detention
2nd – confiscation of device, which may be picked up in the principal’s office by the student’s parent/guardian and student will be placed in ISS for the remainder of the day and/or the following day;
3rd – confiscation of device, which may be picked up in the principal’s office by the student’s parent guardian and 2 days ISS/AES;
4th & subsequent – escalation of consequences from additional days ISS through Out-of-School Suspensions as well as not being allowed to have their phone at school for the remainder of the school year.

Random ‘no phone days’ will occur throughout the course of the school year. If cell phones are being abused or causing a distraction to the educational environment, the administration will take alternative measures, which can include no cell phones during lunch/passing periods. The district will not assume liability for lost or stolen devices. Telephones are available in school offices for parents and students to contact each other for legitimate reasons. The use of camera/video phones or voice recordings are strictly forbidden in the private areas, such as locker rooms, washrooms, dressing areas, classrooms (per teacher discretion) and of ices at any time. Camera phone violations may be treated as a level 3 or higher on the Behavior Management Plan. Such use may also be in violation of the state laws and law enforcement will be notified. 

Board Approved Date: July 19, 2023
Last Updated: July 2023